
Learn French with Seedlang для iPhone

  • Бесплатно

  • На языке Русский
  • V 1.7.30
  • 4.8

  • Состояние безопасности

Обзор Softonic

Учите французский с Seedlang

Learn French with Seedlang is an interactive language learning app that focuses on improving French speaking and listening skills. The app offers a unique approach to language learning, combining humor and fun with a deep understanding of the French language.

One of the standout features of Learn French with Seedlang is the interactive stories. These stories are fun, surprising, and memorable, using video to provide context to the language being learned. This helps learners to build new memories effortlessly and make the learning process more engaging.

Another interesting feature is the innovative flashcards. Unlike traditional flashcards, these flashcards combine video, speaking practice, and embedded grammar to create a fun and effective learning experience. The app also allows users to record their own speech and compare it with that of native speakers, helping to improve pronunciation and strengthen muscle memory for the language.

Learn French with Seedlang also provides grammar support. If a user makes a mistake with a word, they can simply click on it to display detailed grammar information. This feature acts as a grammar book, always ready to provide the necessary information when needed.

Additionally, the app allows users to customize their learning experience. They can use the vocab trainer to build flashcard decks tailored to specific vocabulary they want to learn. Each flashcard is pulled from one of the app's stories, providing fun context that makes the vocabulary easy to remember.

Overall, Learn French with Seedlang is a comprehensive language learning app that offers a unique and engaging approach to learning French. With its interactive stories, innovative flashcards, grammar support, and customizable learning options, it provides an effective way to improve French speaking and listening skills.

Программа доступна на других языках

Learn French with Seedlang для iPhone

  • Бесплатно

  • На языке Русский
  • V 1.7.30
  • 4.8

  • Состояние безопасности

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